Chalk Pastels

Grapes cartoon art
Mmmmm Grapes!
Chalk Pastel Illustration for Mary’s Nipple Wine Label

Mmmmm Grapes!
Chalk Pastel Illustration for Mary’s Nipple Wine Label

PastaEater cartoon art
The Pasta Eater
1995, Chalk Pastel

The Pasta Eater
1995, Chalk Pastel

bananas cartoon art
They Eat Bananas, Don’t They? 1995, Chalk Pastel

They Eat Bananas, Don’t They? 1995, Chalk Pastel

The Stanley Family

Stanley Family cover cartoon art
The Stanley Family

The Stanley Family
Syndicated Panel by Barbara and Jim Dale for Universal Press Syndicate, 70 papers (L.A. Times, Philadelphia Enquirer, etc.), 1980

stanley family comic bad mood
by Barbara Dale

“I am not in a bad mood! You just think I’m in a bad mood! And that’s putting me in a bad mood!”

Stanley Family comic strip
by Barbara Dale

“It doesn’t bother me that our fish is dead. It bothers me that it’s missing.”

Stanley Family comic strip


“…about getting pregnant. Don’t.”

Stanley Family dead fish
by Barbara Dale

“Da fishy taking a nap”

Other Cartoons & Comics

cartoon aid 1985
by Barbara Dale

Cartoon Aid 1985

by Barbara Dale

Lie Gate


Hon cartoon art
by Barbara Dale

Illustration for Cafe Hon, Baltimore, MD
“Hon” illustration used for tee-shirts, posters, and Hon Fest advertising.

cartoon art arrow head
Just a Funny Drawing by Barbara Dale

Just a Funny Drawing for Myself

self portrait cartoon art
Self Portrait by Barbara Dale

Self Portrait
Chalk Pastel
