About Me

About BarbaraDale
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Barbara Dale is one of the pioneers of alternative greeting cards in the United States. Her popular images have appeared on millions of Dale greeting cards, calendars, mugs, and gift industry products. She co-authored a book that hit the very bottom of the Best Seller list. She’s been featured in numerous magazines and newspapers such as People, Cosmopolitan, Redbook, The L.A. Times, and The London Herald. She’s been the subject of TV features and appeared on Good Morning America to promote Cartoon Aid, a charity project for USA for Africa.

– more extensive bio here –

Recent Honors:

2023 retrospective announcement

In 2023, Barbara’s work was featured in a retrospective ad The Peale Museum.

In 2015 Barbara Dale was honored to receive the Jack Davis Lifetime Achievement Award in Cartooning by the Southeast Chapter of The National Cartoonists Society. article in the Baltimore Sun

Barbara Dale 2017 Toonfest

In 2017, Barbara was one of four cartoonists honored to appear at Toonfest in Marceline, MO, hometown of Walt Disney.


After 40 years, I started dreaming about what I should’ve been doing in graduate school. After two years of those dreams, that wouldn’t stop, I started working in clay again

Several of my recent pieces have focused on the female form.

Barbara’s Pandemic Project

watch a news report on my project

See more photos and learn more about the project on my blog.

Some Art Philosophy

cartoon art philosophy
cartoon art philosophy