I created this piece for my son. The roundness of the form mimics pregnancy. I felt full, full, FULL. Eventually, I filled the empty space with umbilical cords. This piece feels both poignant and funny.
Expecting – Expecting – in progress. Pencil sketchin progress. Pencil sketchExpectingExpecting – in progress. Pencil sketch – in progress. Pencil sketchExpecting – in progress. Pencil sketchExpecting – in progress, paintExpecting – in progress, paintExpecting – in progress, paintExpecting – in progress, paintExpecting – in progress. Can you see the baby exiting the birth canal on the bottom?Expecting – in progress. Can you see the baby exiting the birth canal on the bottom?Expecting – in progress, Unfired Underglaze painting (slip painting)Expecting -finished, fully glazed and fired